
Affordable materials for geoscience teaching demonstrations

Operating the DIYnamics Table

Here we describe how to combine the OXO turn table and LEGO assembly to create the DIY Rotating Tank.

1. Place the OXO turn table on a level surface.

OXO table seen from angled overhead view

2. Place a sheet of rubber adjacent to the OXO turn table

A jar opener such as will work well. The sheet of rubber keeps the motor wheel from being pushed away from the table edge.

OXO table and jar-gripper pad seen from angled overhead view

3. Place the LEGO assembly on the sheet of rubber

And position the wheel so that it remains in contact with the OXO turn table. Check from the side and ensure that the wheel is pressing only against the black band and not against the white base of the OXO turn table. Move wheel on axle as necessary to achieve this.

Completed setup of table and motor

4. Switch on the battery pack and have fun!

The DIY Rotating Tank is now ready to use. Visit our website or our YouTube channel to learn more about the project and the types of experiments that can be performed. Contact if you have any questions.

Completed setup of table and motor, from above


Why does the LEGO assembly lose contact with the OXO turn table?

This can occur for several reasons. Try the following steps: - Ensure that the LEGO assembly is pressing against the OXO turn table and is held in place by the adjacent sheet of rubber. - Position the LEGO assembly such that the beam supporting the motor is pointed roughly to the OXO turn table center (as shown by blue line in image below). - Double check to ensure that the LEGO assembly wheel is only in contact with the OXO turn table black band.

Completed setup of table and motor, with line showing stright-on alignment of motor

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the optional components used for?

The optional components allow users to switch the speed of the DIY Rotating Tank motor as it is running. The LEGO Power Functions IR Receiver and IR Speed Remote Control enable speed of rotation to be incremented along 7 steps. This ability provides the opportunity to study additional aspects of fluid dynamics (i.e. Taylor Columns as shown in

Can I use pieces other than the ones detailed in the instructions?

Yes. There are many combinations of LEGO pieces that can be used to achieve the same goal. The design previously described is open for customization and parts can be switched out as appropriate (i.e. replace the current wheel with a larger one to increase speed of rotation).